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Delton Walker smooth as silk

An Interview with Delton Walker

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Glad your with us for this months Chronicles interview Delton, when someone mentions your name the first phrase that comes to my mind is Smooth as Silk. Chronicle The Chronicles know you started out playing drums, when did you decide to switch from drums to saxophone?


I started taking sax real serious while living in Florida back in 2004.

Chronicle When I was researching some of your press the accolade that kept jumping off the pages was how sweet your tone is, how long did it take to develop? Delton

LOL I really appreciate that. I am still working on developing my tone every day is a search for the perfect tone. It’s like being a golfer they are always working towards the perfect stroke. Most importantly consistency is my main focus, the ability to play sweet throughout the horn every time now that’s a winner!.


You sure get around with gigs in NY, Philly, LA., anywhere you have your eye on?


I am hoping to return to Europe and perform for the troops overseas; I am in no rush and taking my time to make that happen


I know your a busy cat, how do you balance your studio productions and your live performances?


Luckily since I am in full control of my career I pick and choose when and where I want to play. When I am deep into studio work I am able to set aside the necessary time needed to complete studio projects.


You seem to have a very good handle on social media, how important is it to your career and what would you tell musicians who don’t participate?


Social media has effected every aspect of life not just music, large and small businesses have gained from social media alike. Since I have an Information Technology background I have seen Social Media grow from birth, technology as a whole is amazing especially for someone managing their own career. Had it not been for Myspace in it’s heyday non of you reading this would have even known I existed.


When you did After The Club you mixed a smokin' R&B track with a taunting lead line, was it your intention to fuse the two styles or did the tune just fall together that way?


Thank you, After the Club was created on purpose with the Hip-Hop genre staying as strong as it has I felt it was important to create something that would reach the hip-hop community. Thankful Mr. Syd Jones a very close friend and amazing keyboardist/ producer and I were able to come up with something that stuck.

Chronicle I always felt it's so much harder to capture a moment in a song that doesn't have lyrics, how do you approach you instrumental work? Delton

Instrumental work is singing, how many times do catch yourself humming as you are walking along or at work. That’s the approach I take, I know it sounds strange, although the words are important because they tell a story but what I look for are the nuances, the sighs, the tones, the color’s and then do my best to bring that into what I’m trying to express as if I were singing.


On your last CD Back On Track and your prior CD’s what I noticed most was that you stay in the lower register of the soprano, is this how you stay in the sultry sax mood?


Funny you asked that, when recording “Back On Track” I knew I wanted that smooth sort of Boney James flavor, but to be completely honest I really just played what I felt fit the mood at the time and the spot I hit at the time just felt right.


What's you insight and hope for the Smooth Jazz market?


I feel that there is a market place for all music but as for Smooth Jazz I would love to see it climb back to its original popularity. I believe and support Smooth Jazz 100% and my fellow artist that are working to keep it alive, with that said I am a realist and do recognize that there are many ears out there listening many different types of music.


I was listening to Blog Talk Radio and heard your interview with Terri “Jazz Queen” Scott and the first call in was Colonel Ronald J. Garan, Jr. NASA Astronaut. What's your connection and tell us what he did?


Colonel Garan and I attended the same High School and we both played football and later went into the Air Force, I received a pleasant email from him stating that he had purchased my CD and had taken it into space with him. It was a pleasant surprise to say the least; we had not been in touch since the days back in High School. He is an amazing human being and was kind enough to join the interview on blog talk explaining his travel and love for music.


You have had some masterful projects, so what's next for Delton Walker?


Thank you for being so kind, I am currently working on my next release and all I can say at this point is I’m leaning more towards the gospel side of things.


Delton our sincerer thanks for doing this interview, and as always continued good luck with your career my friend, your a great player and a great inspiration to all of us.

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